Terausian History

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Kobold Standard Time

1 - The Kobold city of Chandan Nath is founded.

1222 - The Grand Library of Chandan Nath is built.

1253 - The road from Chandan Nath to the The Gedish Pillar is constructed.

- Kobolds delve deeper into Divination magic.

2510 - Shard city of Roykka is founded on the shores of The Maw near Gryphon Peak.

2747 - Dwarves found the city of Dhurkot.

2761 - Elven city Hunt is created near Manticore Groves.

2841 - Elves found the city of Choma.

2910 - Nerid build The Hermitage on seaweed island.

2963 - Pixie city of Albya is founded on Skyros.

3026 - Humans found the city of Pobba Thri.

- Kobolds create city at the base of the  The Gedish Pillar called Khar Yamaat.

3088 - The Shokan found the city of Oued Zem east of Mirror Sea.

- Kobold prophet Bahlchar is born.

3101 - Ifrits found city by Ulair's Shade called Al Ishaq.

3205 - City of Karkilla is created by the Shard.

- The Human Rimpar creates the Order of the Iron Monkey in Pobba Thri. He teaches the city Law and Goodness.
- Rimpar wanders in the mountains and is never seen again.

- The Ifrit Ulair founds an order of bards called the Incentors.
- Nerids create a city called Shoal by The Shipwright's Saw.
- Human city of Woodham is created north of Pobba Thri.

3322 - Elves in Choma build a University of Magic.

- The Kobold race advances in Divination.

3536 - Dwarves create the city of Khyargar.

3854 - Elves create the city of Kaloma.

4040 - Humans build the city of Glenelg at the river junction on Meridia.

4148 - Orcs found the city of Groktaar above the Mirror Sea.

- The city of Al Ishaq advances in War Magic.

4196 - The Drow build closer to the surface and found the trade city of Lacuna Nox.

- The Shard Ronnogh is born.
- The Shard in Karkilla raise the world’s first army.

4239 - Half-Elf Eric Dovetail builds Arasael, “The Shining City,” at the base of the Meridian Pillar. Soon after, major trade routes to nearby cities are established and build the wealth of Arasael.

Arasael Calendar

1 - Half-Elf Eric Dovetail builds Arasael, “The Shining City,” at the base of the Meridian Pillar. Soon after, major trade routes to nearby cities are established and build the wealth of Arasael.

11 - The city of Durkot advances in Steel making. Smiths in Durkot create the Trueforge. The Dwarven civilization advances in Artifice magic.

20 - Corruption takes hold in Glenelg and Khar Yamaat.

42 – The prophet Bahlchar out of Chandan Nath has a vision of the future and is struck blind. He creates an order called the Hooded Scribes. They are commanded to spread out into the world to seek knowledge among the other races and create peaceful relations.

50 – The feared Dragon Mandalgov emerges from the west and begins to gather an army of Orcs with his eyes set upon the Shokan of Oued Zem and later the rest of the world.

66 - The frog folk Grippli found the city of Engya. The Drow Queen Lineerue is born. An army is raised at Al Ishaq.

70 - The army in Karkilla doubles. The Ifrit and Shard treaty doesn't hold and the Karkilla Shard go to war against Al Ishaq.

79 - Eric Dovetail sets off on an expedition to the North to find the Black Pillar of Kobold myth.

83 - Eric Dovetail finds the Black Pillar and creates The Black City around it like he did with Arasael. Unwilling to die of old age, he performs a dark ritual at the Black Pillar and becomes a Lich.

99 - The Dwarf Dornod Molgo founds the city of Thau Mine.

122 - Corruption deepens in Glenelg and Khar Yamaat. Humans advance in steam engineering.

129 - The crooked city of Rothlein is created.

135 - Gnolls found the city of Gnarl on Grünik.

150 - The dragon Mandalgov and the Orc army finally attack and destroy the city of Oued Zem and enslave the Shokan. The former city lies in ruins.

156 - The Dwarven city of Ghrekhan is founded on Grünik.

166 - Gnomes found the city of Wudinna on Adafær. The Nox Academy is also created near Lacuna Nox.

175 - The Order of Stone Guard is founded by the Shard, and the army marches to Roykka to make an alliance with the Kobolds. They accept.

200 - The Sylph city of Silverfell is founded on Skyros. The great Ifrit Ulair vanishes. The Dwarven city of Durkot advances in Clockworking.

221 - The Antikytherians are created and establish their haven of Besht near Woodham. Khar Yamaat raises an army to threaten Chandan Nath. New Kobold city of Kartume is created on the Meknes Islands. New Dwarven city called Serpent Belly is created in the Serpent Spine mountains.

215 - Katriona becomes a vampire and start spreading Dhampirs in Rothlein by vampire magic.

217 - Strix emurge from Starfell, the bismuth cube, and found the city of Ywar Thit Gyi.

240 - Create city Palanca, Rakshasa Pirate Kings on small island south of the Karmite Pillar

242 - Create Race Halflings at 'savage land' ("Mposhi" (locally 'Puun')) down in the glacier. Dinosaurs at Mposhi.

255 - Mandalgov leads the Orc army with their Shokan slaves and attack the Dwarven city Ghrekhan. Dwarves at 'Khyargar' raise army. Create city "Xank" Orcs near Mirror Sea. Ghrekhan is in ruins.

267 - Nobles in Glenelg and Lacuna Nox ally to kill Drow queen avatar Lineerue. Advance engineering in city Wudinna. Create Fey Pixie city "Libartya" near Wudinna.

299 - Advance War for Shard. Subrace Grey Orcs created and move into Palanca. Avatar Ronnogh established a Tactics School at Roykka. Ronnogh initiates war against evil Kobolds at Khar Yamaat. Ronnogh's warriors win, but he is killed. Khar Yamaat is cleared and under Shard control in cooporation with peaceful Kobolds.

302 - Human city Greenfield near the Grünik Pillar. Advance Greenfield in agriculture. Create subrace, Gillmen, in Great Lakes of Gedik. City name Addergill. Advance Elven race with weapon smithing.

305 - Dornod Mulgo creates Orbs of Dragonkind to fight the gold dragon Mandalgov with Orc/Shokan army. Mandalgov's soul is captured. All dragons disappear. Orb with soul is hidden in Svellheim in a dungeon.

306- 310 - Elven city Kelsea near red pillar. Create dwarven city Durlok. Create Orc city Gord near Adafær. Create Nerid city of Airismaa Autra at base of giant tree, Airismaa in canopy. Trade port. Create elven city Asani on Gedik. Create Strix city 'Ywa Tha Yar' near Skyros. Create city of Two Wells. East of Durlok. Nerid city Rediul Mare.

Avatar Elf Faelar. Returns home to Kaloma after battle of the dragon. Now rules the city.

Ifrit make alliance with the Sea Elves at Shoal. Palanca advances at sailing. Create Kobold city 'Anglor' at The False Pillars. Iffrits attack Pobba Thri. Ifrit win. They take over the city and now live there. Don't kill inhabitants.

Gnome city at Gryphon Peak. Purifying the Shard. Gryphon Peak and Roykka establish an alliance. Stone Guard offered to protect all allies.

Arasael to build wall around the city. Elves build city 'Iolo' south of Palanca. Build Magical Tower in Iolo.

311-315 - Pobba Thri -1 Chaos. Catastophy - The Drow break through to the Flow, and Lacuna Nox is flooded with sea water. City is ruined. Glenelg takes on the Drow refugees.

Silverfell raises an army. Gord raises an army. Gnarl raises an army

Elven Crafting Hall in Asani. (Craft university for weaponsmithing, crafting). Nerids of Rediul Mare establish mercantile exchanges between cities. They are building warehouses and trade facilities. Headquarters are at Rediul Mare at bottom of sea. Loser Kobolds at Khar Yamaat build an underground resistance order called Shadowscales. First port hub or Nerid trade guild is build at Airismaa Autra. In Arasael, they build a magical university and another Kobold library.

Orc city "Culraghi" near Mirror Sea. Create human city "Barwell" south of the Meridian Pillar. Create port city "Chill Harbor" in The Fingers on Meridia. Create human city "Kersbrook" on Gedik.

DISASTER - Gord - City is sucked into a sink hole and destroyed. Create Drow city "New Nox" near The Flow. New Nox creates Drider creatures.

Advancing Gryphon Peak in firearms. Establish order Lightbringers Roykka. Order them to root out the Shadowscales at Khar Yamaat. Create Shard city "Kirjais" on island near Skyros.

Advance Elves In Weapon Smithing.

316-320 Event - Lich at the Black Pillar creates a Portal to Hell (Outer planes). Create order Order of his shining hope. Narid trade group is called Rediul Trade Company. Ywar Thi Gwi and Ywa Tha Yar raise defensive armies. Advance Nerid civilization - Trade +1 - Enhance Rediul Trade Company.

Purify Elven civilization +1. Expanding Mposhi Puun by one square. Avatar Faelar signs treaty with Shard.

Gnolls at Gnarl +2 good. Create Sylph city Onaka on Skyros

Shard strike alliance between Shard and Nerid. Create Dwarven city "Brachtal" in the cliffs of The Blowing Bight. Gnomes possess a secret Philosopher's Stone artifact.

Catastrophe - Famine in the town of Pobba Thri. It is now a ghost town.

321-325 - Matt Dwarven civilization +2 artificers.

Create Antikytherian city "Tesht" by Palanca. Create order Order of the Perfected Man out of Tesht.

Nerid pirates take over The Hermitage and surrounding waters. Create human city of Woodside in southern Grünik which acts as a port city serving the inner sea. Discovery of "Sefrou Oasis" near Karmite Pillar. Lake few miles across.

Shokan revolt and escape Orc subjagation.

Create order Hounds of Gnarl to protect travel. Create army at Albya. Advance city New Nox + literature with rediscovery of Nox Academy. Advance Gryphon Peak firearms.

326-330 - Create order in Rothlein. Family Van Buren (Vampire Hunters). Creating Human city Edgewood. Kersbrook raises an army.

Create order Order of the true Shard in Roykaa. Lich at Black Portal blows himself up, damaging the portal in the process. It is no longer functional.

Vampire queen in Rothlein unleashes pack of werewolves on Edgewood. 1/2 of the city has been killed.

Create Elven cities Patras and Serres by the Meridian Pillar.

Create -2 evil pixie city "Heriseni" by The Black Pillar. Created Hanging Gardens at Zorile. Create large Gnoll Statue that grants Protection from Evil. Create large black pyramids above New Nox.

Create Gnoll city "Orla" at the base of the Karmite Pillar. +1 civilization Gnoll healing.

1471 (5772 KST) – Finish second wall around city Arasael. Advance Elven weapon smithing to third level.